"Sobre hombros de gigantes", ilustración seleccionada en la edición 2021 de la exposición "Il bambino spettatore" organizada como parte del "Mapping-Un mapa de la estética de las artes escénicas para la primera infancia", a presentarse en la Feria del Libro Infantil de Bologna y en Visions online del Festival Visiones del futuro, visiones del teatro de La Baracca-Teatro Testoni Ragazzi de Bologna, Italia.
"On the shoulders of giants", illustration selected for the 2021 edition of the exhibition "Il bambino spettatore" organised as part of the "Mapping - A map of the aesthetics of the performing arts for early childhood", to be presented at the Bologna Children's Book Fair and in Visions online of the Festival Visions of the future, visions of the theatre of La Baracca-Teatro Testoni Ragazzi in Bologna, Italy.